Today's article focuses on the human-animal bond and the health benefits that come from having a pet.
We hope you will enjoy this wonderful article.
Mutts, Mental Health, and the Positive Connection
Most pet owners will tell you definitively that the love and compassion that their pet shows them has gotten them through many a bad day. Many studies have shown the positive relationship between caring for an animal and improved mental and emotional health, not to mention how cute they can be. If you’re thinking about getting a dog or cat to help with your mental health, read on to find out exactly why you should get that cutie from the shelter today!
Sparky and Stress
Studies have shown time and again that pets help to relieve levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, in pet owners. Owning a pet can increase cardiovascular healthy by helping to get owners outside on walks. This can also help lonely owners to interact with other pet owners, reducing their feelings of isolation.
Studies have shown that interacting with a friendly and familiar dog reduces levels of muscular tension, blood pressure, and heart rate, all signs of reduced stress. These psychological effects are also more quickly seen than using any kind of medicine for the same conditions. Stress-related disorders are one of the main causes of death in American society, so it makes sense to go pick yourself up that pooch!
Major Mental Disorders Helped by Mutts
With even the most serious of mental disorders, such as forms of psychosis, pets can serve as a distraction from the pain of a disorder. Pets can give people a sense of structure and pride in their lives that they might not have elsewhere. Getting up to feed, groom, and walk their animals has shown to help with all kinds of mental issues, and this allows the patients to find positive interactions in their daily lives. Those with serious mental disorders can find themselves on opposite sides of a chasm from other people in society. Pets bridge this gap because they have no need to understand what you’re going through. They love you unconditionally, no matter how difficult your day is. Unconditional love is one of the main benefits of having an animal of any sort.
Animals and Addiction Recovery
Substance abuse is a major issue facing America these days, and therapy animals have actually been shown to help with recovery and avoiding relapse. Canine therapy can show improvement in patients’ psychotherapy sessions, allowing them to open up and discuss their feelings and triggers more readily. Animals can also help recovering addicts get out and get regular exercise, which is highly recommended by most practitioners as a way to help with their recovery. Those who have issues trusting peers can also benefit greatly from equine therapy, where threats, intimidation, or bargaining will get you nowhere. It allows those in recovery to create new ways of interacting with people and their environments, and creates a more positive self-image.
Whether the animal is fuzzy and cuddly, or even a goldfish, the data say that taking care of any kind of animal helps to decrease feelings of loneliness and depression, as well as anxiety. Children with autism that have a classroom pet have been reported to be more social and have more positive experiences in the classroom. Seniors that were given crickets to take care of showed less depression than the control group. No matter what kind of animal tickles your fancy, the prevailing evidence is that you should adopt a new best friend today!
Once again we thank you Jessica for sharing this article with us. We look forward to more.
Please be sure to check out Jessica's site for some great photos, fun contests and other interesting articles that any pet lover will enjoy.