When we rescue we are rescued
His picture was seen and shared repeatedly on social media. Finally he was picked up by Animal Control, taken to the Brooklyn Animal Care and Control Center and given the name Bruno.
When Bruno arrived at his new foster home, his story was detailed here on this site. However, it was then that his life really began. He fit right in with his new human parents and siblings and their pets, as if he had always been there. The family happily made accommodations to meet his needs and he thrived.
Bruno’s story was included in my second book, Loyalty Unleashed II. His mom’s words: “Every single day I ask Bruno, usually as I am hugging and kissing him, how I got so lucky to have him as my dog. I truly do not think the people that left him knew just what they were leaving tied to a pole on that cold December day.
I have never had a dog like Bruno before. He embodies everything that is good and right. He makes me want to be a better person; to be more loving, and forgiving, to live in the moment and not take anything for granted…I will forever be thankful that he was brought into my life.”
Bruno taught us to love, to forgive and to not let the past dictate the future. He embraced each day as a gift. He did not discriminate. Despite what had been done to him, he never held a grudge. He did not know he was blind, nor did he care. He woke up every morning with joy and gratitude in his heart. His Facebook page will remain open so his friends and followers can look at his pictures and remember him with love.
Thank you Bruno for reminding us of what is truly important – the ability to love unconditionally, being kind to others, the power of forgiveness, being thankful for our blessings, recognizing and appreciating the love of a family. You not only taught us well, you led us by example. You demonstrated goodness and devotion and integrity in everything you did. Yours is a legacy we should all strive to emulate. We will be forever grateful to you for all you have given to us.