Just recently I was asked to foster a dog very briefly until her new family was able to take her. I picked her up on Saturday morning around 10 AM and by 6 PM the following Monday she was on her way home. She arrived on a transport from a sanctuary and had been on a truck with many other dogs for several days.
She is thought to be about five years old and some might call her a “special needs dog” as she was born with one leg shorter than the others. She had been living at the sanctuary for quite a while. Other than that I knew nothing about her and had no idea what to expect.
When she was brought out of the truck I was amazed at how happy she was despite what must have been a very stressful few days. While I am sure she was relieved just to be out of the crate and free to walk around and breathe the fresh air, she came out smiling and wagging her tail and after a quick walk she hopped right in the car and we were off.
Once we got back to the house she opened her heart almost immediately. She was always nearby. She hardly knew me but allowed herself to trust me. She enjoyed being outside and ran happily around the yard – having one short leg did not bother her in the least. Special needs? Not at all.
I learned some important lessons from this little dog. Here are just a few:
Lesson one: You are only handicapped if you think you are.
Once off the truck, the past was behind her. She was ready and willing to forge ahead without looking back. She was living in the moment, taking it all in and enjoying every bit of it.
Lesson two: Do not dwell on the past. Look toward the future with hope and a positive attitude.
Not only did she settle in very quickly at my house, she also made a quick adjustment once she arrived in her adoptive home. She has already won the hearts of her new parents.
Lesson three: Embrace new opportunities and make the most of them. Do not let fear prevent you from accepting the good things life has to offer.
I am grateful to this dog for letting me be part of her life, if only for a very short time. In those few hours she reminded me of what is truly important. She now has a home, a new family and much to look forward to.
I wish her a wonderful life!